Friday, November 6, 2015

Random Truths

My best friend publishes a very entertaining and informative blog, Faith, Family and Beef.  Her post today was about a few random truths, so I stole her idea for my latest entry.

 Random Truths:

1) I cuddle with a T-Shirt at night.  It started when Bo and I were in college and lived apart, he would send me home with a T-shirt that he had sprayed with his cologne for me to sleep with during the week. I got so used to sleeping with it, that even though he sleeps next to me now, I still have to cuddle with a shirt.

The brand spanking new 07
2) Since I was sixteen, my car has always been a Toyota.  It started with my “Dusty Rose” 1992 Toyota Corolla. I upgraded to a 2007 Toyota Camry (thanks Mom and Dad!), and now I have a 2009 Toyota Camry.  I even got Bo hooked on Toyota’s.

3) Rain itself doesn’t bother me and worms in the dirt or grass don’t bother me, but it does bother me when it rains and the stinkin’ worms come out and spread out all across the sidewalk.

About the 2 month mark!
4)  Bo is the only guy I ever dated for more than two months.  I guess when you know, you know! Although I do owe some credit to my best friend, because at the two-month point I started getting a little freaked out with the whole commitment thing apparently and she convinced me to stick it out for a little bit.

5) I have two very unique skin markings.  The first is a darker spot on my left shoulder that is in the shape of an H.  I call that one my “H” brand, so I guess I was born to be a Hansen.  The other is a light spotty patch above my right armpit.  I call this one my giraffe skin.  When I have spent some time in the sun; most of my skin gets darker, but the lighter patches resemble the markings on a giraffe.

6)  When I was in middle school, I fell in love with a calf named Oscar.  He was a little black and while Holstein and the cutest darn thing!  He was my cousin’s 4-H bucket calf and I would make trips out to the farm just to see him. I cried the day they called me to say they were selling him.  I now have a new fascination with the Highlander breed of cows.  They are so fluffy!

Our little blonde baldy
7) Before I had kids, I secretly (but not so secretly since I openly talked about it) wanted my kids to have blonde hair and blue eyes.  Dexter must have listened to his Mama enough, since he has blonde hair and hazel eyes which look blue on some days.

8) I don’t like seafood.  Any kind of fish, shrimp, name it, I am not a fan.  In my defense, every so often if someone around me is eating it I will give it a try. Nope, not happening. The smell, the texture, the taste, nothing about it sounds good.

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